I've noticed that recently I've been staying far, far away from typically 'girly' books. In fact, I usually make a point not to read them at all. The book I'm currently reading, A Great and Terrible Beauty, occasionally reminds me why I don't bother with them. I'll review it soon, but not in this post.
Lately I feel drawn towards books that would most often appeal to boys. Why? I'm kind of done with romance. I'm pretty sure every vampire book out there quite near killed romance for me. I like adventure books and survival stories lately. I only allowed the romance going on in The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead-Tossed Waves because I felt that there was enough zombie killing to balance out the romance scale. It's not that the writing is better in these books, it's that the action grabs hold of you and doesn't slow down to let you brood about the main character's love interest. Finally, something else besides romance!
What are your favourite books that aren't so focused on romance?
You don't like science fiction because it's unbelievable, but you're fine with ZOMBIES?!?!?!?! Where's the logic in that? As soon as I see that a book is about zombies, I put it back on the shelf. Zombies are the new vampires, and I just can't get into them. The idea that a body dies, and then is reanimated, but without the previous warmth and spark, and usually with an accompanying "earthy" odour, just doesn't work for me.